Immunizations for All Ages

You're at risk of different illnesses throughout different stages of your life. This is especially the case if you have a chronic health condition that increases your vulnerability. And children are especially at risk of certain illnesses, making vaccines an essential part of preventative care. Fortunately, at Trophy Club Family Medicine, serving Trophy Club, TX, and the general vicinity, Dr. David Yi, Dr. Paula Lansford-Seabaugh, and Carol Addy, PA-C can offer immunizations to people of all ages.

General Information 

The purpose of a vaccine is to help your body fight off an infection. The inoculation will either lessen the severity of the illness and prevent serious complications or prevent you from experiencing any symptoms. This can spare you from health problems that could have been permanent. Not to mention, some vaccines are a requirement for school or work. You're also protecting those who are most vulnerable by lessening the chances of the infection spreading from one person to another.

Getting Your Child Vaccinated

There are a number of illnesses that can affect children quite severely when they come in contact with the virus or bacteria. They can have lasting complications, including paralysis, depending on the illness. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is a government organization of experts who've crafted a vaccine schedule for children, ensuring they receive vaccines when it's safe for the child and most relevant.

Worrying About Your Own Health 

Your health as an adult is also something to consider. And there are certain vaccines that can help you remain healthy. The COVID vaccine can prevent you from experiencing the serious effects of this viral infection, such as needing a ventilator or suffering from quality-of-life issues, like a long-term loss of taste and smell. Some infections could be deadly for you as a result of potential complications. 

Another example is the shingles vaccine, which could benefit you once you reach 50. You're at risk of shingles if you've ever had chicken pox. The virus is inside of you and can become active once again and cause a painful condition. You can prevent this, though, when you visit our family medicine practice in Trophy Club, TX.

Being Able to Leave the Country

Some illnesses aren't common in the U.S. but are in other countries. No matter whether it's for you or a little one, we can provide you with travel vaccines to ensure you and them remain safe when traveling abroad.

At Trophy Club Family Medicine, serving Trophy Club, TX, and the nearby area, Dr. Yi, Dr. Lansford-Seabaugh, and Carol Addy, PA-C are available to provide inoculations whether you're an adult protecting yourself or are looking to keep your child safe. We can even provide travel vaccines.

Call us at 817-430-9111 today.

Contact Us

Trophy Club Family Medicine
945 Trophy Club Drive
Trophy Club, TX 76262

Office Hours


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm



